Disco Night Keppling
Freitag, 02. Mai 2008 um 20:00 @ Mehrzweckhalle, WaizenkirchenParty, Disco, AT, Waizenkirchen, Keppling,
Welcome to the Candyshop
Freitag, 26. Oktober 2007 um 20:00 @ Hak Eferding, EferdingMusic, Love, Metal, Alternative, Oldies, Rock, House, Indie, Charts, Rock, Alternative, Ball, Bars, Cocktailbar, AT, Hurricane, Pocket, Eferding, Sensipowa Movement, 4070, Bar, Bräuhausstraße
Karibikfest-Festival Hartkirchen
Samstag, 07. Juli 2007 um 20:00 @ Badewiese Pfaffing, HartkirchenParty, Radio, Live, Life Radio, Gogo, Festival, Video, Animationen, * -Wels- *, Bodypainting, Hartkirchen.., AT, Dame, 4081, Pfaffing, Bar,
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