| |
Herkunft: | Wels-Land, Oberösterreich  |
Alter: | 34 |
Größe: | 180 cm |
Augenfarbe: | braun |
Gewicht: | 58 kg |
Haarfarbe: | braun |
Location: | Delta, daham, partys |
Haarlänge: | schulterlang |
Sternzeichen: | Löwe |
Dabei seit: | 31.12.2005 |
Triff mich demnächst:
Trag dich auf einem
Event in den Meetpoint ein um deinen Freunden zu zeigen wo man dich trifft!
About me
_______________ ____________________
Well the life that he has given full of riches
And success has a price that I made good in
Blood to pay.And the light he now is showing
To guide my every footstep is insurance if
I falter on my way.And what God has now
Forsaken and man has never seen are the
Riches of the underworld below all my
Years of earthly pleasures gave support
Unto the briges I now cross it giving
Him my soul
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On A Crusade the World we bring 4 kings of metal, 4 Metal Kings ! Death to the false ones
Najo, i bin da Chris wanns do sats dann kennts mi wahrscheinlich eh ^^ jo schreibts ma einfoch schreib eh moi zruck ^^