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Resolut pres. Matthias Tanzmann@Fluc Wanne

Resolut pres. Matthias Tanzmann

Fr., 03. Nov. 2006 22:00 @ Fluc Wanne , Wien

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Eintritt: VVK: € 7,- (bis 0:00 Uhr) / AK: € 9,- (ab 0:00 Uhr)


Matthias Tanzmann [Moon Harbour / Poker Flat / Leipzig]

Slick [Resolut]

Akva [Resolut]


about Resolut: re|so|lut : betont entschlossen u. mit dem Willen, sich durchzusetzen; in einer Weise sich darstellend, sich äußernd, die Entschlossenheit, Bestimmtheit zum Ausdruck bringt. siehe: minimaltechno; deep, treibend, resolut

about Matthias Tanzmann: The Leipzig-based Moon Harbour label founder Matthias Tanzmann started out DJing in 1996. In 1999 he released his first tracks. Both solo and in his projects Gamat 3000, Tanzmann & Stefanik and Bug & Tanzmann, Matthias evidences his love for minimal electronic house music distinctively. He constantly proves it by playing regular nights at the renowned clubs Distillery (Leipzig) and Flokati / Harry Klein (Munich) and enchanting the audience at his numerous gigs in Germany and abroad.

- www.matthias-tanzmann.com

- www.fluc.at

- www.resolut.at

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