<% if (Environment::doDebugOutput(true)) { %> <% } %> <% echo $this->headTitle(); %> <% echo $this->openGraph; %> <% echo $this->headMeta(); %> <% echo $this->headLink(); %> <% echo $this->buildStyleSheets(); %> <% echo $this->headScript(); %> <% echo $this->buildJavaScripts(); %> <% echo $this->inlineScript() %> <% echo $this->additionalHeaders; %> <% switch (Registry::get('state')->getCode()) { case 'SK': $account = 'UA-200716-3'; break; case 'AT': default: $account = 'UA-200716-1'; break; } %> <% if (!isset($_COOKIE['disableResponsive']) || !$_COOKIE['disableResponsive']): %> <% if ($this->detection->is('android') && floatval($this->detection->version('Android')) < 3): %> ' /> ' /> ' /> ' /> ' /> ' /> ' /> ' /> ' /> <% else: %> ' /> <% endif; %> <% endif; %> <% if (time() >= mktime(0,0,0, 4, 1, 2016) && time() < mktime(0,0,0, 4, 25, 2016)) { %> <% } %> <% $user = Registry::get('session')->user; %> getBodyTagAttributes() as $name => $value) { echo $name . '="' . $value . '" '; } %> > <% $zip = ''; $province = ''; $location = ''; $age = ''; $gender = ''; if (!function_exists('lowerNoUmlauts')) { function lowerNoUmlauts($str) { $str = strtolower($str); $replacePairs = array( ' ' => '_', 'ä' => 'ae', 'ö' => 'oe', 'ü' => 'ue', 'ß' => 'ss' ); $str = strtr($str, $replacePairs); return $str; } } if ($user) { $userData = $user->getUserData(); $userCharacter = $user->getUserCharacter(); $userPageAddOn = new \Weblife1_User_Page_Addon_Main(0); $userInfos = $userPageAddOn->build($user ); $zip = urlencode($userData->getZipCode()); $province = urlencode(lowerNoUmlauts($userData->getProvinceName())); $location = urlencode(lowerNoUmlauts($userData->getCity())); $age = urlencode($userCharacter->getAge()); $gender = $userData->getGender() == 'm' ? 'male' : 'female'; } %> <% if ($user && Registry::get('session')->isFreshRegistration) : %> <% Registry::get('session')->isFreshRegistration = FALSE; %> <% endif %>
. . . <% if (!$this->detection->isMobile() && !$this->detection->isTablet()): %> <% echo Szene1_Ads::getInstance()->getBanner(Szene1_Ads::BANNER_SITEBAR_LEFT) %> <% endif %>
<% echo $this->placeholder('notifications'); %> <% if(Registry::isRegistered('fallbackactive')) { %>
Fallback-Hack aktiv! Diese Seite wurde noch nicht überarbeitet und funktioniert womöglich nicht richtig!
<% } %> <% if(Registry::isRegistered('session') && (Registry::get('session')->obSeen < 1)) { %> <% } %>
<% if ($this->detection->isMobile() || $this->detection->isTablet()): %>
<% endif %> <% try { /* Buttons */ if ($this->showInviteFriendForm) { $friendInviteForm = '
'.$this->newFriendName.' Klicke hier um "'.$this->newFriendName.'" als Freund hinzuzufügen.
'; $friendInviteTitle = Szene1_Translate::_('addFriendCap'); } /* for testing */ if($this->myPage) { $editButton = ''; } $friendButton = '  Als Freund'; $chatButton = ' Chat'; $shareButton = ' Share'; $likeButton = ''; /* end for testing */ /* Main Box Content */ $mainBoxHtml = ''; // Real name $fullname = null; if ($this->myPage) { $fullname = $this->user->getUserData()->getFullName(); } else { $userData = new UserDataPrivacy($this->user->getUserData()); $fullname = $userData->getFullName(); } if ($fullname) { if ($this->myPage) { switch ($this->user->getSetting()->getSetting(UserSetting::DISPLAY_REALNAME)) { case UserSetting::PERMISSION_ALL: $infoText = Szene1_Translate::_("privacyNameInfoPermissionAll"); break; case UserSetting::PERMISSION_REGISTERED: $infoText = Szene1_Translate::_("privacyNameInfoPermissionRegistered"); break; case UserSetting::PERMISSION_FRIENDS: $infoText = Szene1_Translate::_("privacyNameInfoPermissionFriends"); break; case UserSetting::PERMISSION_ONLY_ME: $infoText = Szene1_Translate::_("privacyNameInfoPermissionOnlyMe"); break; default: $infoText = null; } if ($infoText) { $infoText .= "
" . Szene1_Translate::_("changeThisSettingInCockpitPrivacy"); } } $fullname = ' (' . $fullname . ')'; } //title /* Userpic */ $myPage = $this->myPage; $user = $this->user; //TODO: get data for $_ without Weblife1... $bla = new Weblife1_User_Page_Addon_Main(0); $_ = $bla->build($this->user, $this->myPage); if( !$myPage && !Weblife1_User_Object::checkShowDetail( Registry::get('session')->user->getId(), $user->getId(), $user->getSetting()->getUserphotoPermission() )) { // todo pirvacy > new Translate $image = ''.Szene1_Translate::_('onlyFriendsCanSeeThisUserpage').''; } else { /* $myPicGalleryLink = '' .Szene1_Translate::_('morePhotosOfX',array($this->user->getUserName())) .''; */ if($this->userPageOrigUrl){ $image =' '.Szene1_Translate::_('userPhotoOfX', $this->user->getUserName()).' '; $image .= $myPicGalleryLink; } else{ //no image $image = ''.Szene1_Translate::_('userPhotoOfX', $this->user->getUserName()).''; } } /* End Userpic */ /* User status */ /* TODO WEG */ if( !$myPage && !Weblife1_User_Object::checkShowDetail( Registry::get('session')->user->getId(), $user->getId(), $user->getSetting()->getStatusHistoryPermission(), UserSetting::STATUS_PERMISSION_ALL, UserSetting::STATUS_PERMISSION_REGISTERED, UserSetting::STATUS_PERMISSION_FRIENDS, UserSetting::STATUS_PERMISSION_NO_ONE )) { $userstatus = ''; } else { $statusMsg = false; if(isset($_['statusMessage']) && !empty($_['statusMessage'])) { $statusMsg = $_['statusMessage']; } $statusOffset = false; if(isset($_['statusMessageTimeOffset']) && !empty($_['statusMessageTimeOffset'])) { $statusOffset = $_['statusMessageTimeOffset']; } if($this->myPage) { $nav = ' / ' . '' . Szene1_Translate::_('changeMyStatus') . '' . ''; } $userstatus = ''; if(isset($_['statusObj'])) { $userstatus .= Html_UserStatusGenerator::buildUserpageMyStatusBox( $_['statusObj'], $_['statusCommentCount']); } else { if($this->myPage) { $nav = ' / ' . '' . Szene1_Translate::_('changeMyStatus') . '' . ''; } $userstatus .= '
' . '


' . '
' . '' . (($user->isOnline()) ? 'online' : 'offline') . '' . $nav . '
' . '
'; } } /* End User status*/ /*TODO*/ if($myPage || Weblife1_User_Object::checkShowDetail(Registry::get('session')->user->getId(), $user->getId(), $user->getSetting()->getUserpagePermission())) { $gender = ' '; $status = 'offline'; if($this->user->isOnline()){ $status = 'online'; } $status = ''; } /* meetmeAT */ if($myPage || Weblife1_User_Object::checkShowDetail(Registry::get('session')->user->getId(), $user->getId(), $user->getSetting()->getUserpagePermission())) { $scao = new Szene1_Mapper_SimpleContentAddOns('meetpoint'); $result = $scao->getRecentMeetpointEntriesByUserId($this->user->getId(), SimpleContentAddOns_Interface::TYPE_SZENE1_EVENT, 1); if(is_array($result) && count($result) > 0) { $meetText = 'Am ' .$result[0]['eventTime'] .' in ' .$result[0]['eventName'] .'' .' @ ' .'' .$result[0]['eventLoc'] .''; $meetText = ' Triff mich demnächst:
'.$meetText.''; } } /* end meetmeAT */ $mainBoxHtml ='
' . $editButton .'
'; $mainBoxHtml .='



'; $mainBoxHtml .='
'; /* Interests */ if($myPage || Weblife1_User_Object::checkShowDetail(Registry::get('session')->user->getId(), $user->getId(), $user->getSetting()->getUserpagePermission())) { //tags if(isset($_['tags']) && ($_['tags'] instanceof Weblife1_Tag_Container)) { $txt = '';$icon = ''; if($myPage) { $selId = 'userpage_box_tageditor_selector'; $profileInterestsBoxCorner = array(); $headlink = array( 'kind' => Szene1_Html_BoxLayout::CORNER_ICON, 'onclick' => '$(\'' . $selId . '\').getStyle(\'display\')==\'none\' ' . '? $(\'' . $selId . '\').show() ' . ': $(\'' . $selId . '\').hide(); return false;', 'classes' => 'ICON16_BW_EDIT', 'title' => 'Edit', 'link' => '/cockpit/interests' ); $profileInterestsBoxCorner[] = $headlink; $editAllInterests = Szene1_Translate::_('editAllInterests'); $txt .= '' . ''; } $interestsBoxTitle .= Szene1_Translate::_('interests'); $interestsBoxHtml .= $txt .Generator_Tag::buildUserpageTags($_['tags']); } } /* End Interests */ /* Friends Box */ if($myPage || Weblife1_User_Object::checkShowDetail(Registry::get('session')->user->getId(), $user->getId(), $user->getSetting()->getUserpagePermission())) { $isFirstGroup = true; $count = 0; if(!empty($this->friendgroups)) { foreach($this->friendgroups as $groupName => $friends) { if(!$groupName || !is_array($friends)) { continue; } if($myPage) { $gId = $this->fGroups[$groupName]; //$editable = 'contenteditable="true"'; //html5 replace with some js stuff $editable = 'id="fg_'.$gId.'" onclick="Friendship.groupRename($(this).up(),'.$gId.');return false;"'; } $friendsList .= '

'.$groupName.''; $friendsList .= ''; $friendsList .= '

'; $friendsList .= '
    '; if(count($friends) > 0) { foreach($friends as $friend) { if($this->myPage) //icon-16-delete-circle float-r { $editFriend =''; $editFriend .=''; } $friendsList .= '
  • '.$editFriend.' '.$friend.'
  • '; $count++; } } else { $friendsList .= '' . Szene1_Translate::_('XHasNoFriendsOnHisList',$user->getUserName()) . ''; } $friendsList .='
'; } } else { $friendsList .= '' . Szene1_Translate::_('XHasNoFriendsOnHisList',$user->getUserName()) . ''; } $htmlMoreButton = '
  • '; $friendscount = $count; $friendsBoxTitle = $this->user->getUserName() . '`s Friends ('.$friendscount.')'; $jsDropDown = 'onclick="javascript:if($(\'dropdownGroups\').style.display == \'none\') { $(\'dropdownGroups\').style.display = \'block\'; } else { $(\'dropdownGroups\').style.display = \'none\'; } "'; /*dropdown*/ if(!empty($this->friendgroups)) { $friendsGroups .= ''; } /*end dropdown*/ $createGroupMess = Szene1_Translate::_('createNewFriendsGroup'); $friendsBoxHtml .= ''; $friendsBoxHtml .= '
    ' . $friendsList . '
    '; } /* End Friends Box */ /* Media Box */ /* TODO last Photo / Video Thumb > not Album Thumbs */ if($myPage || Weblife1_User_Object::checkShowDetail(Registry::get('session')->user->getId(), $user->getId(), $user->getSetting()->getUserpagePermission())) { $bla = new Weblife1_User_Page_Addon_PhotoVideo(0); $_Video = $bla->build($this->user, $this->myPage); $mediaBoxTitle = ''.Szene1_Translate::_('Fotos & Videos').''; $html = '
      '; $count = 0; //$html = var_export($_Video['photolink'], true); if(is_array($_Video['photos']) && count($_Video['photos']) >= 1 && !empty($_Video['photolink'])) { foreach($_Video['photos'] as $photo) { if(empty($photo)) { continue; } $count++; $html .= '
    • ' . '' . ''.$this->user->getUserName().' - '.Szene1_Translate::_('up_album').'' . '' . '
    • '; if($count==2) { if(count($_Video['videos']) >= 1) { break; } } else if($count==3) { break; } } } if(is_array($_Video['videos']) && count($_Video['videos']) >= 1 && !empty($_Video['videolink']) && $count < 3) { foreach($_Video['videos'] as $video) { if(empty($video)) { continue; } $count++; $html .= '
    • ' . '' . ''.$this->user->getUserName().' - '.Szene1_Translate::_('videoAlbum').'' . '' . '
    • '; if($count==3) { break; } } } if($count==0) { /** * Do not show box if it is empty! */ /*TODO Show Upload!!!*/ //return null; $html = '' . Szene1_Translate::_('noMediaFound') . ''; } $html .= '
    '; $mediaBoxHtml = $html; } /* End mediaBox */ /* Stats */ if($myPage || Weblife1_User_Object::checkShowDetail(Registry::get('session')->user->getId(), $user->getId(), $user->getSetting()->getUserpagePermission())) { $html = ''; $statsBoxTitle = 'Statistik'; $statsBoxHtml = $html; } /* End Stats */ /*if header outside*/ /* Games */ if($myPage || Weblife1_User_Object::checkShowDetail(Registry::get('session')->user->getId(), $user->getId(), $user->getSetting()->getUserpagePermission())) { $gamesBoxTitle = Szene1_Translate::_('Szene1 Games'); $gamesBoxHtml .=''; } /* End Games */ } catch(Exception $e) // should catch the interrupt exceptions //TODO: change it! //TODO: display limitedInfo-Info { } if (!function_exists('buildSearchLink')) { function buildSearchLink($searchKey, $searchValue, $label) { if(!$searchKey || !$searchValue) { return $label; } else { return '' . $label . ''; } } } if (!function_exists('doLine')) { function doLine($label, $text, $width = null, $bottomPad = null) { if(is_numeric($width)) { $style .= 'width:' . $width . 'px;'; } if(is_numeric($bottomPad)) { $style .= 'padding-bottom:' . $bottomPad . 'px;'; } if(!empty($style)) { $style = 'style="' . $style . '" '; } $dt = '
    '. $label . '
    '; $dd = '
    ' . $text . '
    '; return $dt.$dd; } } /* contentAd */ $adHtml = Szene1_Ads::getInstance()->getBanner(Szene1_Ads::BANNER_CONTENT_1); $ad2Html = Szene1_Ads::getInstance()->getBanner(Szene1_Ads::BANNER_CONTENT_2); %>

    <% if ($this->detection->isMobile() || $this->detection->isTablet()): %> <% endif %>
    <% if (!$this->detection->isMobile() && !$this->detection->isTablet()): %> <% echo Szene1_Ads::getInstance()->getBanner(Szene1_Ads::BANNER_SITEBAR) %> <% endif %>
    <% if (Environment::doDebugOutput(true)): %>
    <% // echo $this->debugInfo; echo "

    BASE-TIME total secs " . BaseConnect::$totalMs; echo "

    SHAREDANCE(SESSION)-TIME total secs " . Szene1_Session_SaveHandler_ShareDance::$totalMs; echo "

    TIMELINER-TIME total secs " . Notification::$totalMs; echo "

    MEMORYCACHE-TIME total secs " . Szene1_MemoryCache::$totalMs; echo "

    davon MEMCACHE(zentral)-TIME total secs " . Szene1_Cache_Memcache::$totalMs; echo "
    BASE-CALLS total " . BaseConnect::$totalCalls . "

    "; echo 'BaseConnect cache-access : ' . BaseConnect::$cacheAccess . ' - times
    '; foreach (BaseConnect::$cache as $id => $uid) { echo "$id ==> $uid
    "; } echo '


    '; %> <% echo '


    '; echo "
    TIMELINER-CALLS total " . Notification::$totalCalls . "

    "; echo "
    MEMORYCACHE-CALLS total " . Szene1_MemoryCache::$totalCalls . "

    "; echo "
    MEMCACHE(zentral)-CALLS total " . Szene1_Cache_Memcache::$totalCalls . "

    "; echo '


    '; %> <% echo "Mem Usage: " . round(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2) . "mb (" . round(memory_get_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024, 2) . "mb); Max: " . round(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2) . "mb
    \n"; // echo Thrift_UserCache::getDebugInfo(); $sqlHigh = new Weblife1_Debug_SQLHighlight(); echo "
    SQL - SUM UP:"; $totaltime = 0; foreach (Szene1_DB_MysqliConn::$debugQuerieTime as $host => $time) { $totaltime += $time; echo "

    [" . $host . "] " . round($time, 5) . " seconds needed (" . Szene1_DB_MysqliConn::$debugQuerieCounter[$host] . " Queries)

    "; } echo "

    Total Time needed for DB: " . $totaltime . "

    "; echo $sqlHigh->highlight(Szene1_Db_MySQLiConn::$debugQueries); %>
    <% endif; %>
    <% if (!$this->detection->isMobile() && !$this->detection->isTablet()): %> <% endif; %>
    <% if ($this->detection->isMobile() || $this->detection->isTablet()): %>
    <% endif %> <% if (!$this->detection->isMobile() && !$this->detection->isTablet()): %> <% endif %> <% if (!$this->detection->isMobile() && !$this->detection->isTablet()): %> <% endif %>