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ich freu mich schon auf das lied in der weihnachts-coke-werbung xD

in diesem Monat 2 mal betrachtet

ich freu mich schon auf das lied in der weihnachts-coke-werbung xD gegründet am 15.11.2007
Amstetten, Niederösterreich Land:AT
Art der Mitgliedschaft
Freie Mitgliedschaft
Art des Zugriffs
Öffentliche Gruppe


ich freu mich jedes jahr wieder darauf:

When the world is ever changing
like a candle in the dark
There´s a source of inspiration in the air
Let the magic dry your tears and heal your heart

A wonderful dream of love and peace for everyone
Of living our lifes in perfect harmony
A wonderful dream of joy and fun for everyone
To celebrate a life where all are free.

Now the children´s eyes are shining
Like they never shone before
Let their dreams and aspirations
light our way
Living life in harmony forever more.

A wonderful dream of love and peace for everyone
Of living our lifes in perfect harmony
A wonderful dream of joy and fun for everyone
To celebrate a life where all are free.

Celebrate a life at dreams
Love is coming feel your eyes
Love is coming feel all on your eyes
Feel the loves a wonderful dream

A wonderful dream of love and peace for everyone
Of living our lifes in perfect harmony
A wonderful dream of joy and fun for everyone

Members (165)

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