Marrok - Boon - Kila Kahuna - Hard Coiled - Nihilius - Stormtide - Underground
Freitag, 15. Februar 2013 um 18:00 @ Spinnerei, TraunUnderground Dance Music feat Fritz Plöckinger (Market)
Freitag, 24. Februar 2012 um 23:00 @ Roxy Club, Wien - WiedenUnderground Dance Music feat Chewo (Fairlight Club)
Freitag, 20. Jänner 2012 um 23:00 @ Roxy Club, Wien - WiedenElectro, Electronic, Funk, Maximal, Club, Garage, Techno, House, Disco, Freikarten
Underground Dance Music
Samstag, 17. Dezember 2011 um 20:00 @ Roxy Club, Wien - WiedenElectro, Electronic, Funk, Maximal, Club, Garage, Techno, House, Disco, Freikarten
Underground Dance Music
Freitag, 28. Oktober 2011 um 20:00 @ Roxy Club, Wien - WiedenRock, House, Electro, Electronic, Funk, Maximal, Club, Garage, Techno, Disco, Freikarten, Pratersauna
Underground Dance Music
Freitag, 30. September 2011 um 22:00 @ Club Roxy, WienHouse, Electro, Electronic, Funk, Maximal, Club, Garage, Techno, Disco, Freikarten
Praterei 19 educated underground dance music
Samstag, 11. Juni 2011 um 22:00 @ Pratersauna, Wien - LeopoldstadtStörsignal presents Belgrad Underground Project
Freitag, 04. März 2011 um 22:00 @ Loft 16, Wien - OttakringUnderground! & AfterParty
Freitag, 22. Oktober 2010 um 20:00 @ Underground 22, Moravany nad VáhomTechno, Free, House, Trance, Electronic, Psytrance, Drum ’N’ Bass, Underground, Bass, Boss, Liquid, ღ Sнαkєη, Bar, Moravany nad Váhom, 92221
Underground Soundsystem
Samstag, 09. Jänner 2010 um 20:00 @ Postgarage, GrazSpecial, Black, Wien, Graz, Underground, Club, AT, 8020, Dreihackengasse 42
Ex-Yu Underground Party + live: dreDDup (Novi Sad)
Samstag, 24. Oktober 2009 um 20:00 @ Replugged, Wien - NeubauDni českej kultúry v Nitre
Samstag, 10. Oktober 2009 um 20:00 @ naOZZaY Club, NitraCяαzµ...:], Underground, Konzert, ღ Sнαkєη, Praha, Nitra, 94901 , Kupecká 7
Mastic Scum
Freitag, 09. Oktober 2009 um 20:00 @ Spinnerei, TraunTreu, Geil, Chaotisch, Laut, X).., Bier, Super, Hardcore, Genau, Punk, Schnell, Evil, Kaputt, Deutsch, Irgendwie, Probleme, Metal, Österreich, Stück, Released, Unermüdlich, Geht, Bitte, Death, Wohnung, Deutschland, Linz, Rock, Underground, Bass, Konzerte, Live, Finden, Hard, Thirdmoon, Grind, Leben, Metal Hardcore, Songs, Nasum, Gesang, Gitarren, Legacy, Lyrics, Band, Szene, Peter, Texten, Jungs, Traun, Schweiz, Kroatien, Krieg, Türkei, AT, Hassen, Gerstensaft, Rest, ★ Distaste ★, Spinner, Geprägt ;), Brachial, ►Laune, Mastic Scum, ♦ Ңөηба 2000, Alte, Konzentriert, From, Diversen, 2009, 4050, Fabrikstraße
Freitag, 02. Oktober 2009 um 20:30 @ Rockhouse, SalzburgUnglaublich, Musik, Gitarrist, Einfach, Punk, Bitch, Geplant, Leidenschaft, Tanzen, High, Black, Yeah, Wien, Salzburg, Rock, Electro, Hardrock, 80Er, Gitarre, Rave, Underground, Elektronische Musik, Hell, Club, Disco, .Pop., Electropop, Live, Disko, Gitarren, Мαяσσи5, ^1^!°!^!!°!°!°!°!!°!°!°^!, Band, Szene, Peter, Keyboard, Movies, London, Synth, Clubs, Sehen !!!, Kids, ---Zimmer---, AT, Liebt, Neon, Myyy, 20°, Diversen, 5020, München, Schallmooser Hauptstrasse 46,
The Underground doesn't stop
Samstag, 26. September 2009 um 20:00 @ Maximus,Musik, Party, Music, Techno, Underground, Lieben, Freude, AT, Dupont, Pfarrkirchen,
Saitenhieb mit Mastic Scum live
Freitag, 25. September 2009 um 21:00 @ Kulturwerk Sakog, Sankt PantaleonLaut, Party, Spitze, Metal, Death, Wien, Salzburg, Underground, Thrash, Live, Cold, Band, Szene, Hauen, AT, Mastic Scum, Sakog, 5120, Sankt Pantaleon, Trimmelkam 112
Samstag, 19. September 2009 um 20:00 @ Prestige Cocktailbar, St. Leonhard bei FreistadtFreunde, Einfach, Single, Stark, Sarah, Schwer, Beschreiben, Gorgeous, Underground, Sugar, Fedde Le Grand, Hed Kandi, The Disco Boys, News, Tom Novy, Rain, Defected, Grand, Boys, Sarah Main, Jerry Ropero, Compilation, Feiern, Clubs, Bella, Bella Italia, Partyvolk, AT, Emma, Milk, Mischung, Fierce, Ziemlich, Mike, Italia, Edge, Oldschool, Gemischt, Disco, Club, 4294, St. Leonhard bei Freistadt, Marktplatz 1
Samstag, 05. September 2009 um 23:00 @ SASS, Wien - Innere StadtUnique, Freaky, Style, Music, Loco, Normal, Real, Simple, Dance, Techno, ˜ª¤.¸* Anja*¸.¤ª“, Memorable, Electronic Music, Underground, Dance Music, Adam Beyer, Dancefloor, Laurent Garnier, Gui Boratto, Sasha, Europe, Talent, Luciano, Poker, Berlin , Marathon, Events, Culture, Dates, Weekend, Clubs, Martin, Radio, America, With, AT, Most!!!, Carl, - Society, Gypsy, Early, Börn, Karl, Many, Beyond, Resident, Electronic, Groove, From, Attention, Festivals, Club, Garnier, Remixed, 1010, Wien - Innere Stadt, Karlsplatz 1
J Dilla Tribute Club Night
Mittwoch, 02. September 2009 um 23:00 @ SASS, Wien - Innere StadtDifferent, Style, Music, Loud, 2, Death, *Be*, Roots, Soul, The Roots, Underground, Kanye West, Classics, Detroit, Kanye, Tribe, Erykah Badu, Obituary, The Neptunes, Tribute, West, September, Others, Celebrate, Group, With, AT, Most!!!, Focus, Many, Community, Post, De...., For The, ♦ Ңөηба 2000, Village, From, Club, Working, Late, Range, Hip Hop, 1010, Wien - Innere Stadt, Karlsplatz 1
Bejing Eelectro Fusion
Freitag, 28. August 2009 um 23:00 @ Club Velvet, Frankfurt am MainKreativ, Aufmerksam, Punk, Locations, Treffen, Progressive, Techhouse, Underground, Fusion, Progressive House, Live, Sounds, Electro Punk, House Electro, Band, Spielen, Lukas :), Konzert, Mischung, Szene, Elektro, De...., Electronic, House, Electro, Club, 60311, Frankfurt am Main, Weissfrauenstrasse 12-16
Grand Reopening
Freitag, 28. August 2009 um 20:00 @ Prestige Cocktailbar, St. Leonhard bei FreistadtFreunde, Einfach, Single, Stark, Sarah, Schwer, Beschreiben, 2, Innen, Free, Lounge, Underground, Gemischt, Stars, Sugar, Fedde Le Grand, Club, Disco, Hed Kandi, The Disco Boys, Exclusive, News, Oldschool, Milk, Tom Novy, Rain, Defected, Grand, Boys, Sarah Main, Jerry Ropero, Compilation, Feiern, Mike, Italia!!!, Clubs, Bella, Bella Italia, Group, Partyvolk, AT, Emma., Shot, Mischung, Fierce, Ziemlich, Prestige..., Edge, 4294, St. Leonhard bei Freistadt, 8000, Marktplatz 1,
Body Language
Samstag, 22. August 2009 um 23:00 @ Republic-Cafe, SalzburgMusik, Free, Salzburg, Underground, Kommunikation, AT, Dj Chris, House, Club, 5020, Anton-Neumayrplatz 2,
THE Underground doesn't stop II
Samstag, 22. August 2009 um 21:00 @ Maximus,Unkompliziert, Musik, Party, Techno, Underground, Stimmung, Beats, AT, Dupont, linz
Hip Hop Kemp
Samstag, 22. August 2009 um 21:00 @ Festivalpark Hradec Kralove, Hradec KraloveFreunde, Einfach, Absolut, Chillen, Dirty, Vieles, Cяαzµ...:], 2, Breakdance, Kino, Reggae, Roots, Dancehall, Funk, Underground, Stimmung, Live, Grime, Roots Reggae, Urban, Dirty South, Lady Sovereign, House Of Pain, Ill Bill, ^1^!°!^!!°!°!°!°!!°!°!°^!, Graffiti, Movies, Events, Festival, Baden, Training, Ringen, Freestyle, Streetball, Park, Arena, Bungee Jumping, Crew, Bungee, AT, Indie, Rodeo, Softdrinks, Getränke, Alkoholische Getränke, Bill, Boot, Person, Mail, Sonne Chillen, Alkoholische, Problem, Feier, Oldschool, Alte, La Coka Nostra, House, Club, Hip Hop, Hradec Králové, Festivalgelände, Campingplatz, Side
Hip Hop Kemp
Freitag, 21. August 2009 um 21:00 @ Festivalpark Hradec Kralove, Hradec KraloveFreunde, Einfach, Absolut, Chillen, Dirty, Vieles, Cяαzµ...:], 2, Breakdance, Kino, Reggae, Roots, Dancehall, Funk, Underground, Stimmung, Live, Grime, Roots Reggae, Urban, Dirty South, Lady Sovereign, House Of Pain, Ill Bill, ^1^!°!^!!°!°!°!°!!°!°!°^!, Graffiti, Movies, Events, Festival, Baden, Training, Ringen, Freestyle, Streetball, Park, Arena, Bungee Jumping, Crew, Bungee, AT, Indie, Rodeo, Softdrinks, Getränke, Alkoholische Getränke, Bill, Boot, Person, Mail, Sonne Chillen, Alkoholische, Problem, Feier, Oldschool, Alte, La Coka Nostra, House, Club, Hip Hop, Hradec Králové, Festivalgelände, Campingplatz, Side
Hip Hop Kemp
Donnerstag, 20. August 2009 um 21:00 @ Festivalpark Hradec Kralove, Hradec KraloveFreunde, Einfach, Absolut, Chillen, Dirty, Vieles, Cяαzµ...:], 2, Breakdance, Kino, Reggae, Roots, Dancehall, Funk, Underground, Stimmung, Live, Grime, Roots Reggae, Urban, Dirty South, Lady Sovereign, House Of Pain, Ill Bill, ^1^!°!^!!°!°!°!°!!°!°!°^!, Graffiti, Movies, Events, Festival, Baden, Training, Ringen, Freestyle, Streetball, Park, Arena, Bungee Jumping, Crew, Bungee, AT, Indie, Rodeo, Softdrinks, Getränke, Alkoholische Getränke, Bill, Boot, Person, Mail, Sonne Chillen, Alkoholische, Problem, Feier, Oldschool, Alte, La Coka Nostra, House, Club, Hip Hop, Hradec Králové, Festivalgelände, Campingplatz, Side
Abigail Bailey
Samstag, 15. August 2009 um 22:00 @ Babenberger Passage, Wien - Innere StadtNational, Herzlich, Party, Delicious, Direct, Released, Neuer, Samstag, Charts, Funk, Underground, Live, Ibiza, Vocal, Chris Lake, Tom Novy, Defected, Reading, Ladies, London, Cocktails, Stimmen, Djane, Ronaldo, AT, Szene, - Society, Erfolg, Just, Label, Resident, Eric, Best, Konzentriert, House, 2009, Club, Dj Tom, 1010, Wien - Innere Stadt, Burgring 1
Enigmatica Festival @ Ambasada Gavioli
Freitag, 14. August 2009 um 20:00 @ Ambasada Gavioli, IzolaSpecial, Nasty, Internet, Oliver, Siηηℓі¢Ђ, *Be*, Doors, Electronic, Please, Underground, Live, Adam Beyer, Vinyl, Oliver Koletzki, Billy, Festival, Paolo ♥, Eric, Mike, Visuals, Martini, Mike Vinyl, Saturday, Eric Fischer, Big Bang, De...., ♦ Ңөηба 2000, From, 2009, 1200, 6310, Industrijska cesta 10, Izola
Caribbean Night
Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2009 um 18:00 @ Donauinsel, Wien - DonaustadtPrincess, Sтυя, Mach, Free, Latin, Doors, Reggaetón, Soca, Thursday, Underground, Latin House, R N B, Fm4 , September, Grand, ^1^!°!^!!°!°!°!°!!°!°!°^!, Drive, Energy, Radio, AT, De...., From, House, 2009, Danny, Club, Karibik, Donauinsel ♥, Hip Hop, wien, 1220, Donauinselplatz, Wien - Donaustadt, Copa Cagrana
DoEasyRec Labelnight Opening
Samstag, 25. Juli 2009 um 20:00 @ Camera Club, Wien - NeubauFreak, Party, Music, Fresh, Black, ♥......With, Wien, House, Underground, Tango, Club, Remixes, Deep, Mixx, Groove, Ministry, Vinyl, Ministry Of Sound, Various, 8Bit, Яαdϊo, Austria, Boss, Others, ^1^!°!^!!°!°!°!°!!°!°!°^!, Andy, Producing, Culture, AT, Label, For The, Rodriguez*, Working, 1010, 1070, Karlsplatz, Karlsplatz 1, Wien - Neubau, Neubaugasse 2, 1010 Wien
Night Of The Living DrumNBass
Freitag, 17. Juli 2009 um 21:00 @ [kwadra:t], KlagenfurtBaby, Klagenfurt, Underground, Beats, Drum And Bass, Bass, Live, Drum'N'Bass, Drum´n´bass, Leben, Drums, Band, Tanz, Himmel, AT, Kern, 9020, Rosentalerstrasse
The Freak Show
Samstag, 11. Juli 2009 um 21:00 @ Crystal Hall, WienEinzigartig, Freak, Individuell, National, Happy, Special, Musik, Unberechenbar, Style, Extrem, Hardcore, Egal, Speziell, Abwechslungsreich, Metal, Diverse, 100%, Techno, Fetisch, 2, Death, Samstag, ●•It, Wien, Rock, House, World, Electro, Acid, Rave, Underground, Beats, Hell, Bass, Rock, Metal, Killers, Madness, Stimmung, Classics, Live, Sounds, Basstard, Hard, Vinyl, Ƒℓσω7, Nightmare, Sicher, Nature, Revolution, Party´s, Events, England!!!, Leute, Event, Nature One, Partyvolk, Spannung, AT, Early, Resident, Diversen, Hall, Ѕєnѕιιвєl, Publikum, Team, 1220, Niedermoserstrasse 20
Samstag, 20. Juni 2009 um 20:30 @ Rockhouse, SalzburgDirekt, Perfekt, Verdammt, Dreckig, Punk, Evil, Cooler, Wiener, Jesus, Killer, Black, Just Υηвєѕċняєîвℓîċн :)), Emotion, Dance, 2, Death, -Sex, Inspiriert, Salzburg, Hip Hop, Rock, White Stripes, Doors, Trance, Indie, Blues, Hendrix, Gitarre, Please, Underground, Beats, Disco, Sonic Youth, The Velvet Underground, Psy-Trance, Live, Mars Volta, B.R.M.C, Frank Zappa, Garage Punk, Velvet Underground, Gitarren, Indian, Band, Spielen, Instrumente, Bibi., Trends, AT, About, Waikiki, ♦ Ңөηба 2000, White, Team, 5020, Schallmooser Hauptstrasse 46
Maximal Festival
Samstag, 13. Juni 2009 um 20:00 @ Eastend Studios, MailandMusik, Different, Music, Drummer, Jesus, Sтυя, 100%, Marco, Techno, Minimal, Bullshit, ●•It, Minimal.Techno, Hard Techno, Acid, Funk, Underground, Beats, Acid Techno, Live, Sounds, Monika Kruse, Vast, Detroit, Deep, Dave Clarke, Hard, Pet Duo, Ƒℓσω7, The Advent, Festival, The Hacker, Kruse, Muzik, Paolo ♥, Band, *Crew, Watergate, Kevin, Area, Pure, Evolution, Holland, France, Planet, Faki, 20138, Mailand, Via Mecenate 90
Strictly White - das Ultimative Fest in Weiss
Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2009 um 21:00 @ Orangerie Schloss Esterhazy, EisenstadtDirekt, Funky, Party, Speziell, 1000, Weiß, Black, Dance, 2, Locations, Wien, House, Chill, Hits, Underground, Disco, Live, Klassiker, 80Ies, Funky House, 70´ies, Ƒℓσω7, Ambiente, Мαяσσи5, Monster, Szene, Styling, Events, Baden, Hannes, Casino, Visuals, Fashion, Cocktails, Weekend, Kaufen, Ferrari, Event, AT, Cocktail, ... Personen, Open Air, Schwingen..=), Resident, 2009, White, Accessoires, Bar, Eisenstadt, Schloss,
The Floyd Council
Freitag, 05. Juni 2009 um 20:30 @ Rockhouse, SalzburgSpecial, Musik, Pink, Tanja, Liebe, *Be*, Wien, Salzburg, Graz, Rock, 80Er, Underground, 1973,, Psychedelic, Pink Floyd, Live, 60Er, Rockmusik, Andy, Band, Geschichte, Visuals, AT, 5020, Gasometer Wien, Schallmooser Hauptstrasse 46, Residenzplatz, 2006
Global Underground
Donnerstag, 30. April 2009 um 21:00 @ Dopler Multicentrum, BratislavaParty, Sтυя, × Яє¡Zъaя ×, 2, Underground, Toto, Paul Oakenfold, Sasha, Darren Emerson, ღ Sнαkєη, Stoja, Label, Moze, Danny, Bratislava, 82451, Prievozská 18,
Underground Tekno
Samstag, 18. April 2009 um 20:00 @ Club Tunnel, LinzTechno, Linz, Tekk, Underground, Live, Silver, Adrian Valera, 4020, Schranz, Area, AT, Jack, Electronic, Team, Bockgasse 2
Lizard Lounge_ Sixties Underground Music
Donnerstag, 25. September 2008 um 21:00 @ Take Five Salzburg, Salzburg