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Official Reopening im Neuen Beluga@Beluga

Official Reopening im Neuen Beluga

Sa., 26. Aug. 2006 21:00 @ Beluga , Linz

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**The groovy saturday**

Disco, RnB, House & Party Hits
Nach 3 Wochen Umbau, erstahlt der Beluga Club in neuem Glanz.

Samstags heißt es ab sofort

von 21:00 - 6:00 Uhr:

> "B-Have" nasty girls

Welcome to the wonderful glamorous world of disco, to the funk YOU waited for and the liberal attitudes of free love and party.

This is the place YOU dreamed of, a place for you to have fun, a place where everything goes!

We thrive on encouraging YOU to dress the part and to behave the part, everyone rallies to the call:

B-have Beluga

B-have sexy

B-have as your mother never wants to know!

Jeden Samstag Getränkespecials & nasty Girls bis 0:00 Eintritt frei!

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