Der Blutharsch & The Infinite Church Of The Leading Hand aut + Deutsch Nepal (swe) + Jastreb croaut
So., 22. Sep. 2013 20:00 @ Arena Wien , Wien - Landstraße
Der Blutharsch And The Infinite Church Of The Leading Hand
Was vor Jahren mit der Erfindung von „Military Pop“ begann, entwickelte sich im Laufe der Zeit zu einer „Kinky Dark Rock-Band“. Die Zeiten der provozierenden Bilder sind längst vorbei - auf ihrer Reise in neue Gefilde haben sich Der Blutharsch neu erfunden und laden ein, das Leben und die Liebe gemeinsam zu zelebrieren. „If you are ready to praise the gods of the cosmic universe - then you will enjoy the ride.“
Deutsch Nepal
"There´s a big gap between what exist and what possibly could.....Deutsch Nepal try to fill that gap by concidering what is true, what is pure and possible. With an conviction of the purity of its own distorted creation Deutsch Nepal twist the truth and turn the impossible into a reality existing only inside your head. Never mind this statement .... mind the gap! Deutsch Nepals dystopian music came out of Swedish post-punk and later elektro/industrial movement in the late 80´s....still the challenge is to produce the music and sounds that's not around. It took off with ambient/ritual compositions then turning into the direction of pure industrial music and further into martial psycedelia. The story continues...."
Hailing from 13th century, these mystical troubadours failed to destroy the Earth in an apocalyptic event gone horribly awry. After this failure, making music seemed the only way to get cosmic redemption and women. By opening a diabolical rift and traveling to the future, they escaped the Catholic inquisition and are now getting ready for a second attempt at the aforementioned apocalyptic event.
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