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Breton (Uk)@Chelsea Musicplace

Breton (Uk)

Mo., 17. Nov. 2014 21:30 @ Chelsea Musicplace , Wien - Josefstadt

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“It’s lame to talk about the responsibility of an artist, but really, saying ‘listen to 40 minutes of my thoughts’ means that you should put your life and soul into it…” When Breton first emerged from their south London, all-purpose base - dubbed BretonLabs - with a series of EPs and last year’s full-length debut ‘Other People’s Problems’, their intensely creative, multi-disciplinary approach rendered them difficult to pigeonhole. A band who made films on the side? Filmmakers and visual artists with a fully-realised soundtrack? A ‘collective’? But sod the pigeonholing. Because all you really need to know to understand

Breton is contained in singer and chief songwriter Roman Rappak’s impassioned assertions above. Breton, completed by Adam Ainger, Ian Patterson, Ryan McClarnon and Daniel McIlvenny, are simply a band that put their life and soul into every little detail of ‘it’. Formed in 2010, the four-piece are primarily film-makers with cutting-edge video and sound design work under their belts for the likes of The Temper Trap, Penguin Prison and Tricky. For their independent short films they are award winners and regular fixtures at film festivals.


VVK: 14,-/AK: 17,-
Vorverkaufskarten erhältlich bei Musicticket, Oeticket und in jeder Bank Austria Filiale (Ermäßigung für Ticketingkunden und MegaCard-Members)

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